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Showing results 317 to 336 of 808 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Gallium-68 Cyclotron ProductionIAEA
2022The Gate to Africa Exercise ProgammeIAEA
2019Gauges and Well Logging, Basic Safety RequirementsIAEA
2019Gauges and Well Logging- Potential Exposure and Radiation Protection ProgrammeIAEA
2019General RadiologyIAEA
2017Generic Post-closure Safety Assessment for Disposal of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources in Narrow Diameter BoreholesIAEA
2018Geological Classification of Uranium Deposits and Description of Selected ExamplesIAEA
2018Geological Classification of Uranium Deposits and Description of Selected ExamplesIAEA
2023Global status of decommissioning of nuclear installationsIAEA
2023Global Status of Decommissioning of Nuclear InstallationsIAEA
2021Good Practices for PIOs (Public Information Officers)IAEA
2009Good Practices for Qualification of High Density Low Enriched Uranium Research Reactor FuelsIAEA
2014(GOSTT) Implementing Advanced Hybrid Molecular Imaging and Non-imaging Probes for Advanced Cancer ManagementIAEA
2016Governmental, Legal and Regulatory Framework for SafetyIAEA
2023Guidance for Preclinical Studies with RadiopharmaceutialsIAEA
2023Guidance for Preclinical Studies with RadiopharmaceuticalsIAEA
2019Guidance on Nuclear Energy CogenerationIAEA
2022Guide to Knowledge Management Strategies and Approaches in Nuclear Energy Organizations and FacilitiesIAEA
2017Guidelines for Developing Wetlands in Agricultural CatchmentsIAEA
2017Guidelines for Developing Wetlands in Agricultural CatchmentsIAEA