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Showing results 570 to 589 of 808 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Part 1: Role and Structure of RegulationsIAEA
2023Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner Part-Task SimulatorIAEA
2020Passive Shutdown Systems for Fast Neutron ReactorsIAEA
2019Pediatric RadiologyIAEA
2017Performance of Models in Radiological Impact Assessment for Normal OperationIAEA
2017Performance of Models in Radiological Impact Assessment for Normal OperationIAEA
2022Periodic Safety Review for Research ReactorIAEA
2021Personal DosimetersIAEA
2019Personal ProtectionIAEA
2014PET/CT Atlas on Quality Control and Image ArtefactsIAEA
2023PET–CT for the Management of Cancer Patients: a review of the existing evidenceIAEA
2018Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities (Implementation of INFCIRC/225/Revision 5)IAEA
2019Planning and Execution of Knowledge Management Assist Visits for Nuclear OrganizationsIAEA
2019Planning and Organizing Nuclear Security Systems and Measures for Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory ControlIAEA
2010Planning National Radiotherapy Services: A Practical ToolIAEA
2023Post-irradiation examination techniques for research reactor fuelsIAEA
2021-12Postgraduate Medical Physics Academic ProgrammesIAEA
2021-12Postgraduate Medical Physics Academic ProgrammesIAEA
2022Postgraduate Medical Physics Academic ProgrammesIAEA
2022Practices for Interim Storage of Research Reactor Spent Nuclear FuelIAEA