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Showing results 768 to 787 of 808 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Technical and Scientific Support Organizations Providing Support to Regulatory FunctionsIAEA
2019Technical Approach to Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multiple Reactor UnitsIAEA
2021-12Technical insights from benchmarking different methods for predicting pipe failure rates in water cooled reactorsIAEA
2018Technical Support to Nuclear Power Plants and ProgrammesIAEA
2023Ten Years of Remediation efforts in JapanIAEA
2019Terminology Used in Nuclear Safety and Radiation ProtectionIAEA
2022Terminology used in Nuclear safety and Radiation protection 2018 editionIAEA
2021Thermal Performance Monitoring and Optimization in Nuclear Power PlantsIAEA
2019Thorium Resources as Co- and By-products of Rare Earth DepositsIAEA
2023Towards Best Practices in Isotope-enabled Hydrological Modelling ApplicationsIAEA
2019Training Curriculum for Nuclear Medicine PhysiciansIAEA
2016Trends of Synchrotron Radiation Applications in Cultural Heritage, Forensics and Materials ScienceIAEA
2019Types of Exposure DevicesIAEA
2019Types of Exposure DevicesIAEA
2021Types of Radiation Emergencies and Communicating SafetyIAEA
2018Unconformity-related Uranium DepositsIAEA
2020Understanding and Prediction of Thermohydraulic Phenomena Relevant to Supercritical Water Cooled Reactors (SCWRs)IAEA
2019Uranium Production Cycle Selected Papers 2012–2015IAEA
2014-06Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, Production, Supply and Demand, Economics and Environmental IssuesIAEA