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Title: Results of Site Evaluation and Preparation of Safety Evaluation Report
Authors: Ake, Aderinoye
Keywords: Safety Evaluation
Site Evaluation
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: NNRA Library
Description: During the three (3) Phases of Review and Assessment of the Site Evaluation Report (SER), that is: Phase 1, where we check the format and content of submitted SER for completeness by comparing the Site Evaluation Report (SER) with the RG 1.70, Phase 2, where a detailed review of the Site Evaluation Report (SER) is done using the National Regulations, USNRC RG 1.70, Standard Review Plan (SRP) NUREG 0800, Regulatory Guides etc. The Third Phase (Phase 3) of review which has to do with lessons learnt in Nuclear power plant (NPP) Siting based on past reports and literatures from nuclear industry with close relations to the site and technology/NPP type of interest. Safety evaluation report is prepared at the end of the review. This report mainly comprises the following areas: Description of authorization process carried out for specific stage of authorization, Baseline documents utilized for review and assessment of licensing submissions. Major issues identified by regulatory body during review of authorization process, Resolution of issues up-to satisfaction of the regulatory body, and Safety Evaluation Report (SER) provides basis for acceptance or rejection of the analysis and information presented by the applicant. After safety evaluation, the site is registered based on the recommendations in Safety Evaluation Report: Issuance of Siting Permit Queries, Sample of Queries, Oversight of Review and Assessment Process, Action Sheet, Maintenance of Queries, Review Outcome, Review Milestone, Documents Generated during Review Process were also discussed in this presentation.
Appears in Collections:Renew and Assessment for Siting Application

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