IAEA Publications on different subjects Community home page

These are NOT Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority publications and the uploaded publications are FEW for easy and quick access. For more and in-depth research visit https://www.iaea.org


Collections in this community

Earth Science

It covers hydrology, uranium, geology, exploration and mining


Collections from IAEA on Environment

Food and Agriculture

This covers food irradiation, soil fertility, irrigation and agrochemicals

Human Health

Human health covers medical physics, dosimetry and dignosis, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and nutrition

Industrial applications

Industrial application covers radiation processing and tracers

Nuclear and Radiation Safety

This covers uranium mining and milling, fuel fabrication and storage, nuclear power plants, research reactors, radiation source and accelerators, transport of radioactive material, fusion reactors, waste repositories, radiation protection, accident response, radioactive waste management, safety assessment, legal and governmental aspects

Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management

All publications from fuel fabrication and performance, spent fuel management, and waste management

Nuclear Law

Collections on nuclear law from IAEA

Nuclear Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation

It covers nuclear analytics, research reactor, particle accelerators and nuclear data

Nuclear Power

NP covers nuclear power planning and economics, nuclear power operations, reactor technology, quality assurance, qualification and training personnel

Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion

All collections from IAEA on the above topic


All IAEA collections on the above topic