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Title: Modelling and Simulation of the Source Term for a Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Under Hypothetical Severe Accident Conditions
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Sodium cooled reactors
Nuclear facilities Accidents
Nuclear facilities Safety measures.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: 22-01526 |;
Description: The objective of this publication is to share the findings of an IAEA c-reactive protein (CRP) entitled ‘Radioactive Release from the Prototype Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor under Severe Accident Conditions. The purpose of the c-reactive protein (CRP) was to perform realistic estimation of fission product and fuel particle inventory inside reference sodium-cooled fast reactor single family rentals (SFR) volumes (i.e in-primary vessel, cover gas system and in-containment building) at different time scales (few seconds for the instantaneous source terms and several days for the long-term source term), under severe accident conditions (i.e DECs with core melting)
ISSN: 1011–4289 ;
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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