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Title: Management of depleted uranium used as shielding in disused radiation devices
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Depleted uranium
Depleted uranium safety measures
Depleted uranium management
Radioactive waste disposal
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: 22-01541;
Description: The objective of this publication is to provide information on: —Methods to identify devices containing DU used as shielding; —The hazards of DU found in such devices; —The safe handling of DU in such devices; —Various options for the management of DU shields; —Safety, security and safeguards considerations for the control and traceability of DU arising from disused devices, based on international experience. Another key objective of this publication is to raise international awareness of this emerging field of interest. Guidance and recommendations provided here in relation to identified good practices, represent experts’ opinions but are not made on the basis of a consensus of all Member State
ISSN: 1995–7807
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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