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Title: Fatigue Assessment in Light Water Reactors for Long Term Operation: Good Practices and Lessons Learned
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Light water reactors.
Nuclear power plants
Nuclear reactors
Light water reactors
Safety measures
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: 22-01523;
Description: An objective of this publication is to provide guidelines on how to manage fatigue based on recent insights and experiences, with a focus on providing industry assessment methods for fatigue failures as well as the latest information on the root causes of plant fatigue failures. Another objective is to summarize the related work on identifying where fatigue failures may occur in the future to determine the need for additional research. Guidance and recommendations provided here in relation to identified good practices represent experts’ opinions but are not made on the basis of a consensus of all Member States
ISSN: 1995–7807
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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