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Title: In-plant Accident Management
Authors: Jonah
Keywords: Accident management
Radioactive material
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: NNRA Library
Description: Accident management programm must be developed for all power plants regardless of the total probability of core damage and release of fission products calculated for plant. Accident management is taking a set of actions during the evolution beyond design basis accident to prevent the escalation of the event into a severe accident. An important part of the accident management programme in the plant is maintaining communication and coordination with the off-site emergency response organization. Protection of the public, plant workers and the environment against harmful exposure to radiation from a nuclear power plant is achieved by providing three successive physical barriers against release of radioactive material; each of the physical barriers should be protected individually, independently of the others, by appropriate prevention and mitigation measures. The following objectives of in-plant accident management are: Prevention of the accident from leading to core damage; Termination of the progression of core damage once it has started; Maintaining the capability of the containment for as long as possible; Minimizing on-site and off-site radioactivity releases and their consequences; and Returning the plant to a long-term controlled and safe state, ensuring sub criticality, core cooling and confinement of radioactive material. Under IAEA guidance, “Procedures shall be developed for normal operation to ensure that the plant is operated within the operational limits and conditions. Either event based or symptom based procedures shall be developed for abnormal conditions and design basis accidents. Emergency operating procedures or guidance for managing severe accidents (beyond the design basis) shall be developed.” Severe Accident Phenomenology, Source Term Associated with Severe Accidents, and Post-accident Instrumentation were also discussed in the concluding part of this presentation. ( In-plant Accident Management Module 14.2)
Appears in Collections:Training Courses of BPTC

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