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Title: Developing a Systematic Education and Training Approach Using Personal Computer Based Simulators for Nuclear Power Programmes
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Nuclear power plants — Employees — Training of.
Nuclear power plant operators — Training of.
Computer simulation
Synthetic training devices.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: TECDOC-1836;
Description: The use of the IAEA PC based basic principle simulators (definition provided in Annex I) in education and training is aimed at enhancing understanding of nuclear technologies through learning by doing; this hands on experiential training is highly suitable for operators, maintenance technicians, suppliers, regulators, researchers and engineers. These simulators are highly valuable for students and professors equally because learning only the theory has proven not to be as effective and efficient for skill based human capacity building of the national nuclear power programmes
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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