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Title: Probabilistic Safety Analysis
Authors: S., Jonah
Keywords: Risk
Nuclear Power Plant
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: NNRA Library
Description: Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) is an additional tool that was introduced, and also known as a probabilistic risk assessment, the PSA uses probabilities to analyze the overall risk to a nuclear power plant under abnormal conditions. The purpose of probabilistic safety analysis is: To provide a systematic analysis to give confidence that the design will comply with the general safety objectives, to demonstrate that a balanced design has been achieved, to provide confidence that small deviations in plant parameters that could give rise to severely abnormal plant behavior („cliff edge effects‟) will be prevented, provides assessments of the probabilities of occurrence of severe core damage states and assessments of the risks of major off-site releases. In addition, it provides assessments of the probabilities of occurrence and the consequences of external hazards, in particular those unique to the plant site, to identify systems for which design improvements or modifications of operational procedures could reduce the probabilities of severe accidents or mitigate their consequences, to assess the adequacy of plant emergency procedures; and to verify compliance with probabilistic targets, if actually set. Level of Probabilistic Safety Analysis, Level 2, 3 Probabilistic Safety Analysis and Probabilistic Safety Analysis Applications, were also discussed in this presentation.
Appears in Collections:Training Courses of BPTC

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