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Title: Strategic Environmental Assessment for Nuclear Power Programmes: Guidelines
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Nuclear power plants — Environmental aspects.
Environmental impact analysis.
Nuclear energy — Environmental aspects.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: No. NG-T-3.17;
Description: This publication is intended to provide support to responsible authorities and stakeholders engaged in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for nuclear power programmes. SEA is a proactive decision support tool applied during the preparation of policies, plans and programmes. Its main objective is to avoid or mitigate any expected significant negative environmental impacts arising from these policies, plans and programmes, and, importantly, to enhance their positive environmental outcomes. This also includes social and economic impacts that are environmentally relevant. SEA is being applied in an increasing number of countries worldwide, to meet legal and other formal and informal requirements.
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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