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Title: Nuclear–Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems for Decarbonized Energy Production and Cogeneration
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Hybrid power systems
Nuclear energy
Renewable energy sources
Cogeneration of electric power and heat
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: TECDOC-1885;
Description: There is an increased interest in exploring the synergies of nuclear and renewable energy sources. Because of the variability in both the generation of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar and the electricity demand (hourly, seasonal), there is a need to support variable renewables with long term energy storage or alternative, flexible power sources. Nuclear power presents a low carbon option for supporting the increased penetration of variable renewables on the electricity grid, though nuclear plants have historically not often operated in load following modes for regulatory and/or economic reasons.
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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