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Title: Ageing Management of Nuclear Power Plants during Delayed Construction Periods, Extended Shutdown and Permanent Shutdown Prior to Decommissioning
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Nuclear power plants — Aging.
Nuclear power plants — Maintenance and repair. |
Nuclear reactors — Shutdown
Nuclear power plants — Decommissioning.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: TECDOC-1957;
Description: The present publication describes Member States’ experience in ageing management during these specific periods as well as proven practices and examples on meeting the recommendations for ageing management. It takes into account the nine attributes for description of ageing management for the particular circumstances in the three specific periods set out in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-48, Ageing Management and Development of a Programme for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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