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Title: Establishing a System for Control of Nuclear Material for Nuclear Security Purposes at a Facility during Use, Storage and Movement
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Nuclear industry — Security measures.
Material accountability.
Nuclear facilities.
Radioactive substances.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: NNRA Library
Series/Report no.: No. 32-T;
Description: The main purpose of nuclear material control measures is to maintain continuity of knowledge of the nuclear material for the purpose of detecting any actions that could lead to its unauthorized removal or misuse, particularly with respect to insiders [2]. Such measures may be applied during the production, processing, use, storage and movement of nuclear material, including activities designed to control access to the nuclear material itself, to the equipment used for processing the nuclear material and to information about the nuclear material.
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Security and Physical Protection of Radioactive Material

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