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Title: Design Basis Reconstitution for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: IAEA
Keywords: Nuclear power plants — Design Nuclear Power Plants Management
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: NNRA Library
Abstract: This document aims at describing a structured and graded approach to effectively reconstitute plant’s DB information that has been found defective, deficient, inadequate, or insufficient. Effective DBR approaches require identification and assessment of DB information and knowledge deficiencies and scoping and planning to match the level of reconstitution effort to a desired and manageable outcome. As such, the objective of this publication is to define a structure for programmes/processes/projects, as well as the roles and responsibilities, for the efficient execution of a DBR undertaking, specifically based on the level of effort, and expected outcome.
Description: : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2023. Series: IAEA TECDOC
ISSN: ISSN 1011–4289 ; no. 2018 | Includes bibliographical references. Identifiers: IAEAL 23-01569 | ISBN 978–92–0–104023–7
Appears in Collections:Nuclear Power

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